At Last


We finally got Hodir. Granted, I didn’t get to dance on his dead body because he doesn’t die, but still. Much shouting with joy in Vent, and some very deserving people got some T8. It was a good night. =D

Thanks for all of your input on the Godbane Signet. I think I will not roll on it. It’s about the principle of the thing.

We also invited a new hunter to <Explicit> who performed very well, and I’m so glad to have another hunter on board, even if he is Survival. =P Welcome! Now we just need a rogue and we’ll be set.

It certainly helped having all 25 people in the raid last night, since we’ve been running short for a few weeks. Thanks for showing up, guys. Clearly we can get sh*t done if only we can get together.

On another note, the Podcast has been rescheduled to this upcoming Saturday, same time (12:00pm EST). Those of you who emailed me before will receive an email later today with the information. Sorry, but we’ll be using Ventrilo. I will be sure to spend some extra time setting up the sound, though, so everyone can be heard. Thanks for your patience. =)

❤ Nass

~ by Kelly Jennelle on June 4, 2009.

8 Responses to “At Last”

  1. Grats!

  2. Good job! 😀 And good luck for the upcoming bosses. Freya is a nightmare, and Thorim is never happy. And I’m not even talking about Mimiron yet 😛

    You know, if you want a rogue so badly, I could transfer XD Naaaah, I’m staying on Greymane.

    P.S. : Nice Twisted Visage 🙂

  3. Thanks! =)

  4. Hoorah!

    Gratz on the “kill”
    I went in to Ulduar with some guildes to mess around with the vehicles and trash before Flame Leviathan…we 6-manned the trash on 10m but instantly wiped. There was much laughing and good times on vent. I hope to get in there “for real” some time soon and I wish you and your guild good luck on progress 😀

  5. You’ll get there! But in the mean time, sounds like you’re having a ton of fun! =) That’s the important part.

  6. Woot! Grats on your new kill.

    And if you really want, you could kill one of the Sons of Hodir and dance on their dead bodies.

  7. lol Thanks for the consolation. I’ll seriously consider it.

  8. Congrats!

    Our guild’s been doing 10-man Ulduar, and last night was my first Hodir kill as well. The cloak dropped, but the other hunter ended up with it, and a shadow priest got the pants token.

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